"I have arrived alive and well with no kinks along the way (despite my paranoia). We arrived and waiting for us as we got to baggage claim was Adam and Stephen and after a quick hello and pick-up of the bags we rushed to the car to avoid paying for parking. We packed all of out crap into the car (quite tightly mind you) and along with a duct tape hood, rear end, and back door that cant open I strattled my skies around Calgary and to our destination (wearing my seat belt of course). On our way we got a great view of the mountains and I was able to manifest my camera out of its bag and get few shots. About 20km away from Invermere we stopped off at the Radium hot springs and took a dip. It was awesome. We pulled into Invermere around noon and came to a very..."lived in" house. So about an hour later we finished cleaning the pube tumble-weeds and headed out for beer and hamburgs. That night we headed to Mount Panorama where we had three hotel rooms with a bunch of people that the guys work with (Every Monday the guys and fellow workers get a deal on rooms and rent them out to party in, then go to the bar where a live band plays. That is where we went after having some drinks). To summarize the night, I got bombed (I blame the altitude for that). Needless to say, after knocking over a glass and smashing it, coupled with attempting to dance and fending off more drinks, we headed in for the night. Had a great sleep and woke up at around 8:00am (Due to someones drunkenness who left the window open) and ate some breakfast then hit the hill. I died 3 times...more like 100. Long story short I ate shit all the way down a double black diamond due to my skies being "set for a 3 year old" says the ski tech. But after the traumatic experience that is the DBD me and Adam stopped off at a little cabin on the hill and had some hot chocolate and peppermint schnapps on the deck and basked in the sun with the BEST scenery I have ever seen. Now I am back at the pad yearning for a shower, so I will message yall again with some pics to go along with it, Love you all."
Alex, you need to start blogging, I love you too!