Sunday, September 7, 2008

Am I There Yet?

It's far too late at night to be up when I have such an early morning, but I've gotten used to my bad habits when it comes to packing. As the night stretches to morning, I hope that I'll have enough sense to sleep before the sun rises. As I look around my cluttered room I can see things that I forgot to take care of. Loose ends that never got tied up. I have a little time left, but it's running out quickly, and I'll always wish there was more. I'm moving back to Porcupine this week and although I''m excited to be there with my family and friends for the next two months, it's hard to leave this city. Toronto has changed me in a way that I could have only hoped for, and opened doors that scare my mother. I've created a life here, a family, friends for life, all things that are hard to turn away from...but the itch is too strong to ignore and I can feel the fever. This is my sixth move in three years and it's not slowing down yet. My destination for tomorrow is merely the precursor to the biggest move I think I will ever do...or at least the farthest. Australia is the next pin on my map; on the way, L.A. and Fiji. I'd like you all to come, so this is the next best thing. I hope to enjoy this as much as I will!

1 comment:

  1. I felt exactly the same way when I left Toronto to come to Senior's City... Toronto breathed life into me, and I loved all of it. I cannot wait to move back there!

    I hope you have a glorious two months in Porcupine... I miss it sometimes. :)
